The Last Pictures of July
On Friday the 31st I finished working on a project that had me in the office all but one day since the last week of June. On Monday I'm starting a job that might do the same thing with my August. But here are some pictures from my cab rides home, my walks to the subway, and last Saturday when I snuck out to Shakespeare in the Park.

Left work one evening to find a Viper convention happening on the block. I didn't know people really owned Vipers! Especially in 2015.

They all had Viper-oriented license plates.

Viper buds.

A bunch of generous souls lined up early one Saturday to get Shakespeare in the Park tickets and gave me one. The play was Cymbeline and I had never even heard of it before but I really, really liked it.

This is my tutoring boss Kristin and this is the look she usually gives me.