This Was May

I think one of the best things you can do during the second half of June is finally blog up about everything from the month of May that didn't involve Tennessee, musuems, or fire.

The month kicked off with a Mets game to celebrate Jeff's birthday. I finally got my picture with the Mets dog. She loves her pipe. Don't try taking it from her!

Let me tell you about a grand Wednesday night in the middle of the month, right after I got back from Tennessee. It started with dinner at Salvation Burger with Bryndee and Lauren

(fun fact: a few days later there was a big fire at Salvation Burger and it has been closed ever since! Those are the risks of wood fired burgers made manifest.)

And ended with seeing La Sera in Brooklyn at the Market Hotel. La Sera has been one of my favorite bands the last year-ish or two, I find their last three records infinitely re-listenable, so it was just so good to see them for real. 

Here's a video of La Sera taking a break from the punk and country punk to cover Led Zepplin's Whole Lotta Love. Stick around for (or just skip to) the end to see Todd shredding. For a few records La Sera was basically just ex-Vivian Girl Katy Goodman, but bringing in Todd has infused the music with a loud, fast, out of control, and FUN guitar energy. For me, this is a perfect band.

Ok, moving on. One Saturday Angelique had a few of us over for an oyster luncheon. We sampled four...or six?...different varieties of oysters and all tried to shuck our own oyster. It was a grand time. I'm always up for eating a few oysters, even if I don't know what I'm doing.

One Sunday after church Cameron and Dave led an expedition to go see Manhattanhenge (that's the twice yearly astronomical event where the setting of the sun lines up perfectly with the city's East/West streets). It was a little too cloudy for a good 'henge, but henge-watchers were out in force, hoping to catch that perfect stock image for the next Gothamist post announceing the next Manhattanhenge.

And lastly, another year of tutoring has drawn to a close. Shout out to my boy Christian (who I have been working with since he was in 8th Grade) for getting into BYU-Idaho and to Rudy for his mission call to Brazil! And shout out to Kristin for being the only person tough enough to run Hot Dogs and Homework.