Christmas 2023: New Year's Day 2024

If you wake up in San Marino on a January 1st, this means something good: You can go up to Colorado Blvd for the Rose Parade! And that is what we did.

Some of the most fun to be had at the Parade is all the goings on that go on before it has started.

And the big exciting part of the pre-parade exciting? The stealth bomber flyover! (followed by a just-as-cool little formation flyover)

And then…the parade begins! Liz and I nearly made it for the whole thing, but we had to scurry back to Grandma’s to get ready to fly back to Columbus. Christmas trips, they can’t last forever or they start turning into Martin Luther King Day trips (which wouldn’t be so bad!) I’m just going to let it rip with the pics, what more can I say than “Look, it’s a parade!”?