Feb through Mid-May Catch Up

Here’s a big post of things that Liz and I have been up to for the last four-ish months that weren’t going on trips (except there’s a bit of one trip in here).

FEB 25: One thing we’ve been doing a lot of is taking walks! Here are a couple of pictures from a visit we made to Prairie Oaks park one Sunday afternoon.

March 9: One thing Liz has been doing is performing at least monthly at the Hyde Park Steak House downtown. Here’s a few pictures from one night she was playing there where we also met up with some friends for dinner during and after her set. The Hyde Park Steak House food is growing on me!

March 11: A big thing that happened is we got Liz a new car! We test drove a Tiguan on a Friday night and by Monday I was like “Yep, think I better go get it” so I got it! And lightly surprised Liz with the purchase. It was fun to go driving around in it together on night #1, showing it off to all the relatives. Happy memory.

March 13: And even though we had a new car we took a long walk a couple days later to La Super Torta, one of our favorite local establishments.

March 17: Part of saying Hello to new cars is saying Goodbye to old cars, but Liz’s Accord went to a great home. And also, we saw Katie and Anne play the music for Lizzie’s high school production of Anastasia. And also, did you know we have a cat?

March 23: Celebrated our anniversary with a night out at Speck Italian Eatery. What tasty classy time for us.

March 26: Well, I guess we have car buying fever? I found a too good to pass up on Volvo V60 opportunity so I did not pass up on the opportunity. And since March 26th I’ve sure spent a lot less time watching station wagon YouTubes (a lot LESS time, not NO time)

April 13: Dinner with friends and showing off Liz’s new Grandma Taylor dress.

April 14: A Sunday morning walk in the neighborhood.

April 17: Mini-Golf Home Evening! I think we tied extremely high scores. Just learning the ins and outs of the course.

April 20: Ok, turns out we are NOT remodeling the bathroom just yet — but we have added some furniture to our front “yard” (but this is not our front yard).

April 21: Early morning Sunday walk at Battle Darby park. That’s not its real name, but it’s close. There’s bison there. And early morning Sunday walks lead to Sunday morning naps.

April 27: Liz went to SF for a wedding, so I went to Dublin for a Chinese buffet. Maybe I’ve had enough Chinese buffet now. But what I can’t get enough of is watching families and friends having a great time at Chinese buffets. Really puts smiles on faces!

April 30: It was my birthday! Celebrated with Sichuan food with Katie and Joel. It was nice and spicy and tingly.

May 2-5: Zipped over to Chicago for the Star Wars marathon. I also: went to the Izakaya with Mom and Dad, walked around downtown Friday morning, enjoyed an AWESOME dinner at Superkharna before the marathon, and saw a Veyron on a flatbed during my nice drive home.

May 11: Took a nice long walk along High Street and Liz made a great decision: We should take a trip to New York. And now that trip to New York is right around the corner.

May 12: Early Sunday morning walk at…uhhh…Three Creeks park?

May 15: I had a GREAT time going to a rock show by myself on a Wednesday night. After a little walk around the neighborhood (and seeing a Chinese restaurant I think I would extremely like) I extremely enjoyed: Salt, En Love, Destiny Bond, Jivebomb, and SPY. When I got home Liz was like “look at your smile!” and yes, the rock n roll made me smile.

May 17-19: A big thing that happened was it was Mother Anne’s 70th Birthday and all the siblings assembled in Columbus! There were lots of dinners at Joel’s and Katie’s, a birthday celebration at PF Chang’s followed by cake at our house, a guy’s trip to see a Transformers celebration at the movie theater, a little walk amongst the trees by Liz and me, and a cat photoshoot in Orient. And, honestly, there could have been a lot more people in these pictures. I apologize. I’ll do better next year.

May 19: And Liz and I still have a cat. And take Sunday evening walks.