Photos, Mid-April
Weather got nicer, started going outside with my camera again. Squarespace seems pretty great so far, but I really wish I could add captions to the tops of pictures. That's just my style.

One sunny Saturday found me walking all the way to the river in midtown. Why? To get donuts at a car wash.

Patient fellow.

Aztec remnants in midtown.

Unfortunately passing through Times Square was part of walking back from the river

It certainly is!

Taking this I kept thinking "Modern Prometheus", but that's Dr. Frankenstein.

Then the next sunny Saturday I found myself walking through Central Park, ran right into a picnic of some friends. Friends such as Stephen and Mencius, shown here.

So glad to see the turtles out. I should work on being a turtle pond regular.

This is a statue for Poland.

Ice cream misfortune.

Everyone all worked up about spring. And it was good.