All Summer in a Day
The first Sunday in October I found myself invited up to Connecticut and not needed at work so I went on up to Grand Central and caught myself a nice Metro North train to Dairy Anne.

I arrived to find hostess Aubrey's family home in full breakfast-swing, followed by full rope swing-swing.

Over in the driveway, a merciless PIG shootout (followed by other basketball game games).

And also: lawn talk with Kim, Aubrey, Danni and Mary

When the clock struck 12 everyone ran inside to watch conference

And then we all headed to the beach to throw rocks and share Dawson Creek moments and stuff.

Here's Kim. She opted to walk instead of bike or car ride. Beach turned out to be a little farther away than guesstimated.

Dave and Brian biked home ahead of us like a couple of Mad Max maniacs

Not Pictured: One more round of conference then everyone cleaning like crazy so we'd make the 6:45 train.
Pictured: Catching the 6:45 train and editing the day's photos.