Mid-September to Early October: Certain Items
Wow, more than a month since my last post? Do you want me to start another post talking about how much I've been working? But let's celebrate a chilled out Sunday evening with a little look at some things I've done and eaten here and there.
Around the corner from my work there's a new Otto's Tacos with a Tatooine landscape mural. So, yeah, I'm there pretty often.

The famous burger at Joe's Jr. As good as diner burgers, and other burgers, can get.

Plus one of the last places I know still doing the glass and cup milkshake thing.

Superiority Burger might be the number one restaurant opening of the summer, even better than all them chicken sandwiches. Dope veggie burgers and killer veggie sides.

AND, as their chef is a James Bear winning pastry chef, trust that their gelatos and ices are some of the best frozen treats in the whole stinking city.

Nat came back. From Utah.

East Village stuff.

There was this one weekend when the Almonds were in town. We went over to Mission Cantina for a nice little dinner.

I tried their gourmet Crunchwrap Supreme, a super-deluxe interpretation of the Taco Bell modern classic.

Judging from the Burrito-themed murals in the basement, I think Mission Cantina's all-burrito menu angle is here to stay.

Now get this! The next day after the Almonds I met up with Kirk and Leslie from my sophomore year of college! I went with them and their kids to Peep where we caught up on the last, uhh, 15 years?

Oh and then there was a night when I went with Robert and Natalie to Fuku+ in midtown where, along with the chicken sandwich from downtown (actually there's is a smaller version) you can get Mission Chinese-spiced chicken strips and a pizza with the Ssam Bar's spicy sichuan sausage for sauce.

Here's some "around the town" kind of pictures.

One night I went over to Andy's for some chicken McNuggets and heavy bro-time.

This torn up ad stares me down each day on my way to work.

Oh and here, this is a real good cake we had after church one Sunday.